In the field of youth development, developing an understanding of trauma helps practitioners see, understand and assess the young people around them, and design better interventions to support them. In this workshop, participants will begin by developing a holistic approach to mental and physical well-being, and then build a working definition of interpersonal, intergenerational, and systemic (such as racism, sexism and classism) trauma in the world around us. We will understand how trauma shapes us, and learn five typical responses to stress. Holding a resilience and healing analysis, we will then unpack how the body naturally protects itself and heals itself from traumatic incidents. Through this analysis, we will be able to hold space for ourselves and others with more compassion and intelligence, to ultimately create more connected communities.
Date: To be scheduled
Duration: 2.5 hours virtual, 3.0 hours in-person
Creative, Resourceful & Whole Experiential Exercises to Build Awareness, Transform Perspectives, and Make Choices